Connect at Fremont Community Church
Stepping into a church for the first time can be intimidating for anyone. You don't necessarily know anyone, you are likely unfamiliar with the building, and you may not know what to expect. It is a time when we can feel vulnerable. Here at FCC, we understand and want the experience to be a positive one for you. So, to start - let us answer a few frequently asked questions:
What Can I Expect?
How Long is the Service?
Our services are typically about 75 minutes in length. Services begin with the worship team leading the church in music - song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. After the music portion of the service is complete, our pastor will share an encouraging and scripture-based message about Jesus.
After the Service...
At Fremont Community Church, we believe in fellowship and friendship as a cornerstone of our faith walk. Each Sunday, following the morning service we come together in the fellowship hall to enjoy a light snack and coffee/drinks, and fellowship with one another. We invite you to join us and make some new friends.
Are you ready to visit Fremont Community Church? We can't wait to meet you in person. Fill out the form below, an give you the VIP treatment upon your first visit.